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Sunset Plaza dr, Hollywood Hills

  • “It is extremely rare, especially in the Hollywood Hills, to find a 1.5 acre raw parcel with its own private driveway that ascends to two flat pads each with commanding views from Downtown to the Ocean,” details Mr Kotliar, “The imperative was to design two seminal structures that are as unique as the site they will be built on.” The perfect placement and orientation of each Home was an arduous task, “Obviously the view is the focal point but it is integral not to sacrifice form, aesthetic and spirit for it,” specifies Mr Rodriguez, “We needed the structures to be rectilinear as that would best express their influence as they soar above the street while at the same time magnifying every sightline.” Mr Ruzbasan concludes, “We believe in the art of living-and this project compelled us to elevate the perception and the reality of livable art. It may sound lofty, but without a desire, an inherent need to create something one has never seen or experienced before...then whatʼs the point of doing it at all?”

6 bedrooms

9 bathrooms

10,000 Sq. Feet

35,000 Lot Size

CLR Design Group

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